Multiple Datasets: Tutorial
Multiple dataset Migration of an Activity
This post is a step by step tutorial for adding multiple datasets to an activity in Gcompris.
The procedure of adding multiple datasets to an activity is fairly simple in Gcompris. The steps for it are given below.
Note: In these steps we'll refer the activity in consideration as current_activity. Also we assume that we plan to add 3 datasets to current_activity.
Add the following line to current_activity/ActivityInfo.qml file
levels: "1,2,3"
The above line indicates that that the activity will contain 3 datasets and will automatically create the dataset selection menu for the activity with 3 options.
exampleimport GCompris 1.0 ActivityInfo { name: "money/Money.qml" difficulty: 2 icon: "money/money.svg" author: "Bruno Coudoin <>" demo: false //: Activity title title: qsTr("Money") //: Help title description: qsTr("Practice money usage") // intro: "Click or tap on the money to pay." //: Help goal goal: qsTr("You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price.") //: Help prerequisite prerequisite: qsTr("Can count") //: Help manual manual: qsTr("Click or tap on the coins or paper money at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or note, click or tap on it on the upper screen area.") credit: "" section: "math money measures" createdInVersion: 0 levels: "1,2,3" }
Create a resource directory inside the current_activity folder and inside it create separate folders for separate datasets with the name of the folder representing dataset number. The resultant directory structure would be as follows.
+-- current_activity
| ++-- resource
| +++-- 1
| ++++-- Data.qml
| +++-- 2
| ++++-- Data.qml
| +++-- 3
| ++++-- Data.qml
Create a Data.qml file inside each dataset folder in the following format
- objective - It will contain the text corresponding to this dataset that would be shown in the dataset selection menu.
- difficulty - contains the difficulty of the dataset.
- data - contains the actual data of the dataset The following example demonstrates the layout.
import QtQuick 2.6 import GCompris 1.0 import "../../../../core" Dataset { objective: qsTr("Set and display time on analog clock for full half and quarters of an hour.") difficulty: 2 data: [ { "numberOfSubLevels": 5, "fixedMinutes": 0, "displayMinutesHand": false, "fixedSeconds": 0, "displaySecondsHand": false }, { "numberOfSubLevels": 5, "fixedMinutes": 15, "displayMinutesHand": true, "fixedSeconds": 0, "displaySecondsHand": false }, { "numberOfSubLevels": 5, "fixedMinutes": 30, "displayMinutesHand": true, "fixedSeconds": 0, "displaySecondsHand": false }, { "numberOfSubLevels": 5, "fixedMinutes": 45, "displayMinutesHand": true, "fixedSeconds": 0, "displaySecondsHand": false } ] }
In the current_activity/CurrentActivity.qml file add the following line to get the currenlty selected dataset.
property var levels:
QtObject { id: items property Item main: activity.main property alias background: background property GCSfx audioEffects: activity.audioEffects property alias answerModel: answerArea.pocketModel property alias pocketModel: pocketArea.pocketModel property alias store: store property alias instructions: instructions property alias tux: tux property var levels: property alias tuxMoney: tuxMoney property alias bar: bar property alias bonus: bonus property int itemIndex property int pocketRows property var selectedArea property alias pocket: pocketArea.answer property alias answer: answerArea.answer }
This way the variable levels will contain the data section of the selected dataset.
The dataset can be extracted from the levels variable inside the js file as follows.
dataset = items.levels var data = dataset[currentLevel]
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